ENIDE is an SME specialised in business innovation and digital solutions. Through innovation based on deep customer insights, the company helps clients and partners to understand and implement the latest ICT solutions to meet the most pressing challenges in Mobility, Automotive and Logistics sectors. The highly skilled team has decades of collective experience creating solutions that help projects and companies to remain competitive by leveraging technology and adopting sustainable business models.
TeamAware project develops a system of global support for rapid intervention teams in different sectors, in an integrated and cost-effective manner; the project incorporates heterogeneous and interoperable sensors and reconnaissance technologies (sensory steps, wearables, external sensor systems, services of existing equipment and operating centres).
TeamAware focuses on three main challenges:
Real-time localisation and real-time monitoring of first responder team members
Detection of Surrounding Risks and Threats
Information Fusion and Comprehensible User Interfaces:
Concerning the third challenge, Information fusion will be achieved by applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect, identify and classify the information to generate detailed common situational awareness picture. As for the Comprehensible User Interfaces, Enide develops a Mobile user Interface (MI) that will provide to the First Responders teams additional relevant information about the operations related to emergency scenarios, facilitating the communication with the Command Center.
The TeamAware ultimate purpose is to improve crisis management, flexibility and reaction capability of teams from different sectors through real-time, merged, refined, and filtered information management, using highly standardised person-machine interfaces, and augmented reality and pro-active support from technology.
The aim of the Mobile Interface (MI) is to support the team members deployed in the field of an incident scenario, complementing the Augmented Reality (AR) Interface, giving proactive access to the most relevant information to them. Users must be able to easily find information in real time to make decisions in different scenarios.
It is foreseen that facilitating human interaction with the Mobile Interface is a priority: therefore, Enide will build the TeamAware MI application following the UX Laws below.
Hick’s Law: the time it takes to make a decision, increases with the number and complexity of choices.
Aesthetic-Usability Effect Law: users often perceive aesthetically pleasing design as design that’s more usable.
Fitts’s Law: the time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target.
As responsible for the MI, Enide oversees developing a tool focused on the user experience (UX) to help first responders to access real-time information of the environment (from drone cameras, team members health status, position, and tracking, etc) and give them all the information needed to enhance their performance at an emergency.
To facilitate the interaction with the team member, the device will be worn horizontally on the user's forearm so it can be operated efficiently and quickly to communicate with control centre.
As part of the TeamAware global architecture design, the team of experts of ENIDE works on the one hand, to complement AR components to provide teams with additional event details with multi-purpose sets of information such as performance plans and material descriptions, among others.
On the other hand, with the TeamAware AI-boosted platform where multiple data sources converge (as sensors, cameras, etc). The MI must organize the information according to the type of situation that the user is attending, providing access to the required essential information for the teams under extreme conditions (stress, visibility, accessibility, speed, etc.).
Focused on innovation for CCAM, mobility, logistics and agri-food sectors for the last 15 years, having a lead role in several R&D projects as H2020 TeamAware (Integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders); H2020 DIGITBrain (Easy access to Digital Twins for SMEs); H2020 5G-Routes (5th Generation connected and automated mobility cross-border EU trials); H2020 INFRAMIX (Automated driving); H2020 Clusters 2.0 (Logistics); and others. Before founding ENIDE, he had lead roles in the building of complex IT systems for the Athens 2004, Torino 2006, and Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
He currently works at Enide as a Software architect and Senior developer in the TeamAware, 5GRoutes and DIGITBrain projects. He began working in CTAG at 2013, developing different projects like, PSA Peugeot Citroën autonomous driving program (MobiLAB), and European smart roads/cities (SISCOGA/Co2perautos2/Compass4D). He also was part of the modernization of systems and infrastructures in Barcelona transport (T-Mobilitat) team at INDRA. Other projects that he worked on include the development of an EV onboard charger at Ficosa for the Mercedes-Daimler group and a facial recognition application for UOC (Universidad Oberta de Barcelona)
Credits in Computer engineering (UPC), Bootcamps in Front & BackEnd Development. Focused on HUM@N, Logicon and TeamAware Projects. Before working for ENIDE, he had worked for Linucleus as UI/UX designer.
Monica Florea
Administrative Coordinator
European Projects Department
Soseaua Bucuresti-Ploiesti 73-81 COM
Çağlar Akman
Technical Coordinator
Command and Control Systems
Eskişehir Yolu 7 km
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101019808.